Friday, February 28, 2014

Final Preparations for the Teeing areas

It is truly amazing what a skilled person on a bulldozer can do in just a day or two.  Yesterday morning we started on the new Teaching Tee, and now we are almost ready to apply the top layer of sand and laser grade the top flat.  Once the Tee is laser graded, it can then be sodded with new grass and it is finished.  We are patiently waiting for the dredging company to get finished so the lake can fill up and provide the course with water once again.  It has been since the start of November that we have not had any irrigation system on the original 18 holes because of no water.  Until we have water, we can not sod any of the finished areas of the driving range.  Since the sod will not have any roots, it will need to be kept moist for the first few weeks in order for it to get established.  One more reason we need to push the dredging company along and get them out of our hair!  Take a look at before and after of the Teaching Tee, can you tell the size difference?

Here is a shot from the top of the new mounds on the Driving Range.  TDI has been working vigorously over the last week to haul sand to the new tee top.  The sand will be spread to a 4 inch depth evenly across the entire teeing area. This will help to create an ideal growing medium for the grass which will soon cover the entire surface.

  Notice the piles of sand on the top right of the picture, and the bulldozer on the far right edge spreading the sand evenly.  In a few more days the entire tee box will be ready for sod, now we just need water!

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