Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Concrete kind of day

Today on the driving range our contractor was able to get all the foundation poured for the new artificial hitting mats, as well as our new turnaround/parking area.  After all was said and done, it took 4 trucks of concrete to complete the entire area.  The first truck was at the club by 9:00 am, and the last one finally finished dumping concrete around 5:00 pm.  All in all a very successful day for our project, as a lot of work was completed ahead of the anticipated 100% chance of rain that is forecast for tomorrow.  Notice in the photo below the new pad for the artificial hitting mats.......

Here is a picture of our turnaround being poured.  Notice the center island, this is where we will place the Centennial Clock and Time Capsule. The plan is to lay bricks all around the center section, and also form a small brick wall around to form the bed.  After the clock is set in place and time capsule buried, we will then finish off the circle with flowers to add a nice touch.  

I snapped this photo today and I feel it captures the state of our golf course right now pretty well.......

I know this winter has been one of change on the golf course.  Rest assured it will all be over before we know it!

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