Tuesday, February 11, 2014

We have officially hit the 10,000 yd mark!

I am proud to announce that we have finally hit the estimated half way mark of the Dredging part of our project.  One would agree that we have had a very hectic last month full of ice storms, record low temperatures, and little sunshine.  The project has continued to move forward and is starting to take shape.  It has taken longer than anticipated to get to this 10,000 cubic yard mark, but things are looking up.  The Dredging crew has started to dig into the mouth of the lake, and the are pulling out much more sandy/gravel sediments than the sloppy mud.  This should help to improve our load quantities, which will speed up production.  Let's hope this coming ice storm does not keep us from reaching our goals!  We hauled a record 900 yards last Saturday!  Let's keep it up!  Here are some pictures showing a rough timeline from the start of the project to where we are now......

 It is very hard to tell but he is digging in at least 4 to 5 feet deep silt from here on out!!!!!!

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