Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Teaching Tee is getting a Face Lift!

Today we started work on the Teeing area in front of the Teaching Building at the far end of the range.  This tee was originally about 2,000 square feet.  After construction it will be upwards of 7,000 square feet, an increase of over 300%.  This will make it much easier for Mike Berning to give his lessons and clinics, and also allow for more grass area to hit so that divots will recover much faster.  Once the tee is finished, we will also work to shape the target greens out in front on Teaching Building to help for visualizations and targets to hit at during video lessons.  All of the work being done will no doubt help Mike be a more effective teacher and in turn help our membership as a whole become better golfers!  Here are a few pictures of the dozers starting to demolish the existing tee this morning, tomorrow I will post a few of the finished product!

Below is a look at the 30 inch pipe installation.  I posted pictures a week or so ago explaining the process, but we only have about 100 feet or so to go of the big pipe and we will be all done.  They are getting deeper as we go, notice the worker in the trench, we are almost 10 feet in the ground at this point!

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