Sunday, March 16, 2014

Concrete Forebay Installation

We are currently building the forebays, or silt retention dams, at both ends of the pond.  The smaller forebay near #8 tee has been completed, and we will be pouring the footer for the large forebay tomorrow.  The larger forebay is located at the mouth of the lake, and will serve as both a silt collection wall, as well as a walk path for golfers to cross the creek.  The dams are made of concrete, and it takes 3 days to complete each wall.  The first part of the forebay construction is to excavate the area of the creek where the wall is to be built.  In our case, we had to dig 10 feet down from our grade at the top of the wall, which meant a very large hole!
Notice here Lyle starts to dig to the top of the footer.......

Once the contractor showed up to dig the footer, things got a little messy.....but the hole was dug!!!!!
Once the footer was dug out and before the concrete could be poured, metal re-bar was installed for strength and integrity.  Notice the hose in the bottom of the picture pumping the concrete in to the footer.

The next day, after the footer is poured and drying, the wall portion of the forebay is framed and poured.  The workers in the picture are finishing off the concrete that has just been pumped into the forms.  The next step will be for our grounds crew to back fill the wall with the dirt removed and put the creek back to the way it was originally.  This work will start on Monday, and we are on track to finish the large dam at the other end of the lake next week.  More pictures to come!!!


1 comment:

  1. These are some very interesting pictures that you have provided in the article. Concrete work looks like very challenging work. I imagine that the workers get a great workout every day. How does the pay compare to other construction professions?
