Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Dredging is Over!

I am very proud to announce that we have finally reached the final day of the Dredging of Lake #3 and #13!! We began the project on December 19th, and have now officially finished on March 13th, a total of 84 days, exactly 12 weeks.   This is actually very close to the timeline we had originally planned for the dredging portion of the project, but permitting can actually be to blame for missing the March 1st deadline.  We were held up 17 days to begin our project, and finished 13 days past our goal.  Not too bad considering we endured 2 record setting ice storms and the wonderful holiday season!  This entire process was a learning experience for all, and I am sure I can speak for everyone when I say how glad I am to be done messing with the lake!  Now is time to put everything back together that we have messed up over the last 3 months!!  The push is on for TDI to finish the range and get our golf course at MCC back to normal!

Here is the big excavator taking out the last few loads of silt

Cleaning up and repairing the haul road.  What a mess!

Kiss this big track truck goodbye!  We don't need it anymore!  Whoo hoo!

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