Monday, January 27, 2014

TDI is on property, the project is now in full swing!

The company that will be doing the renovation of the driving range, TDI, is on site and ready to start playing in the dirt!  We can officially call this project as being in "full swing"!  There is approximately 7000 yards of silt on the driving range to date, and the first order of business will be to work on building the new and improved tee section.  This will be a double tiered tee, and will increase in size from 33,000 sqft, to 65,000 sqft.  The larger size will ensure much less wear and tear on the tee top, and also give us plenty of flexibility for any events the club may hold in the future.  Attached is a look at what the proposed driving range plans which serve as an outline for what TDI will build.  Once all the heavy machinery is gone and the dust has settled,  we will have one of the finest practice facilities in the state!

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