Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Back in Business!

We are glad to announce that the large excavator has been repaired and we are back in business hauling dirt!  No doubt the the hydraulic hose break was a setback for the project, but we are glad it was just a bump in the road!  Having this machine fixed will help us greatly to have another productive week.  This cold, blustery weather will not be very good for golf, but will keep the dirt frozen and help us keep striving for our goal of 20,000 yards!  On Sunday we surpassed the 5,000 yard mark!  This is only a quarter of the estimated silt removed, but we have already finished approximately 40% of the lake!  If all goes well we should be in the 6500 yard range by weeks end!

Here is a picture of a large boulder in the middle of the lake on #3/#13.  If you look closely at the water you will see it sticking up.  Many members who were part of the club when the new course was built in 1989 commented on how the pond was full of big rocks........I guess this is what they were talking about!!!!!

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