Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Making Progress!!!!!

The dredging is still chugging along and we are starting to see more progress every day.  As always, the rain over the weekend has slowed the work down a little bit, but the water level is back down and mud is still being shoveled out!  We have moved up the body of the lake and have started to use our second point of access.  This new access point is located near the middle of the lake, on the north bank, or behind #2 green.  The new entrance to the pond will allow easier loading in the upper end of the lake and give the workers flexibility to dig in the driest areas possible.  As we start to get into the mouth of the lake near #13, we will see the material change from the muddy soup being hauled now to a more sandy/gravel mix that will be much easier to dig and haul.  More pictures to come!

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