Thursday, January 23, 2020


Wednesday morning once the sun came up we noticed we had a problem.  After spraying our pre-emergent herbicide we needed to water the chemical into the soil for it to work effectively.  The water was programmed to run at dusk on Tuesday evening, and stop before the freezing temperatures arrived in the early morning hours.  All was well except one sprinkler head on hole #12 decided to go "rogue" and stick on throughout the entire night.  Once we noticed it was still running water in the morning we rushed to shut off the water, but the damage had been done.  Over 2 inches of ice had formed where the water hit all night, breaking a few tree branches around #12 green.  All in all once the tree branches were pruned back, nothing else was harmed by the ice formations.  This area will take some time to thaw and will no doubt be wet behind #12 green for a few days!

This was the scene at daylight on Wednesday.  You can see the sprinkler running on the left hand side of the picture, getting ready to add another layer of ice to the trees!  The ice was only on the bottom half of the trees, and the tops had no ice and suffered very little damage.  

A look down the creek on #12 shows a pretty neat winter backdrop with all the ice.

A view from the tee box in the afternoon showed exactly what was covered from the sprinkler head!  

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