Sunday, January 5, 2020

Concrete Cart Path Project Finally Completed!

I am happy to say we are all done with the Cart Path repairs!  No more huge trucks and equipment clogging up the pathways!  It has no doubt been a mess in some spots over the last 4 weeks, but it is easy to see and feel the improvement if you drive around the cart paths!  We focused on many different areas, trying to make the ride across all the cart paths as smooth as possible.  All in all it required over 30 concrete trucks to do all this work!  Every bad area on the Overlook 9 was repaired, along with areas on holes #1, #2, #3, #5, #6 Tee, #8 Tee, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, and #17.  Some of the holes listed were only a few small panels, while other holes like #8 and #14 had significant areas repaired.  All of the work made an impact removing broken, bumpy paths and making it a smoother ride around the course!  Below are some pictures of the concrete work over the last 2 weeks.  These photos show a good example of what we had to do during the entire process.
Here was a common sight, seeing the concrete trucks!  It took over 3 trucks and almost 300 cubic yards of concrete to complete the project!
Here a concrete worker smooths the surface of freshly poured concrete on #1.  Roots from the nearby trees had buckled up this spot in the cart path making a very severe bump in the panels.
Here is the start of the work on hole #8.  You can see in the very bottom of the picture the cart path is very broken and cracked badly.  This run ended up being over 250 feet of cart path continuously, and ran from the blue tee box all the way past the green tee box!
A very busy area to be tearing up!  This services hole #3 as well as hole #8 where the bridges intersect.  We were forced to do this area on a Monday, as well as use fast drying concrete, to be able to ensure carts could still travel through on Tuesday morning!
This picture from the large bridge on hole #3 shows the crew preparing the sight to be formed and poured within the next few hours.  The ornate rock wall was also something we had to work around and fit in smoothly, which took a little work!
This old cart path was very easy to remove because of all the cracks!  This machine was used to remove all the cart paths around the entire property!
Here is a good example of what the cart path on #8 looked like before we removed it!
Here is the same area on #8 tee box after the concrete had been poured.  This crew member is putting the finishing touches on the entire area so it is smooth and drains perfectly.  As you can see they did a really good job of making the rock wall and concrete seem like they went together forever.  We started by pouring these panels and then working our way out, as you can see the crew in the top of the photo working on the freshly poured material.
This large machine was used to haul the old concrete away, and also to bring in the new concrete and dump on site.  This bucket on this machine can hold 2 yards of concrete!  This makes the pouring process much faster and allowed us to do this area in 1 day!  Once the concrete is poured, it is spread out across the entire formed area at a 4-5 inch depth.
Here is another area we improved on hole #14.  On a few different locations we added some new curbing to help keep carts on the path and improve the function of some sharp turns.  This area above always was rutted out by people cutting the corner, so hopefully this will help to keep people on the cart path!

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