Sunday, January 5, 2020

A few bloopers from the Concrete Project!

Believe it or not we had some problems with keeping people off of the concrete after it was poured!  It usually takes at least 12 hours for the concrete to set up in good weather conditions, but in cold weather it takes almost 24 hours.  Fortunately for us, a few of the times when we did have people drive through the wet concrete the crew was notified and was able to fix the imperfections.  Some of the areas in these pictures did have to be re-poured however!  We used caution tape to warn people of the wet concrete, but it proved to be pretty ineffective.

Here a panel on hole #2 was driven across multiple times!
This long run on #14 fortunately survived without any damage!!!!
This panel on #1 Overlook was the first day we started the project!  Someone rode a bike across the wet panels even though they were roped off with caution tape!  What is a bike doing riding on Overlook in the first place!!!
This area on hole #15 was driven through within 2 hours of being completely finished.  As you can see there is caution tape, and the person drove straight through the tape like it didn't exist!  Fortunately it was very cold that day and the crew was able to run down and refinish the top of the concrete before it dried and nobody will ever know!

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