Sunday, March 17, 2019

Greens recovering nicely from Aerification

Almost 3 weeks have passed since aerification and the greens are really healing up quickly.  Last week with low temperatures around 25 for a few nights really slowed the growth, but the holes are getting smaller every day.  We have been mowing daily for the past week, working on lowering the cutting height of the greens.  The mowers were set at .120" before the aerification.  After adding heavy sand at aerification, we take a week or so off from mowing to let the sand work into the holes and let the grass grow.  Once we started mowing again, we raised the height of cut to .160".  This does not seem like a big difference, but it is actually increasing the grass height by close to 30%.  By beginning to mow at a higher height, we will reduce scalping and injury to the turf.  By next weekend we should be back down to our standard height of cut at .120", and will look to go a bit lower to help increase green speeds this Spring!  With more sunshine and warmer temperatures forecast in the next few days the holes will be gone in no time!    

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