Sunday, March 31, 2019

Dredging #13

The time has come once again to dredge the silt on hole #13.  We try to dredge this area near the forebay at least twice a year.  Due to the above average rainfall this winter, silt levels were at an all time high!  Take a look at the pictures below to see the dredging process.
Here is a look at our excavator as we prepare to dig.  Look closely just under the tracks of the machine and you will see all the silt.  There is even a log under the water if you look closely!  It is incredible what the water brings down the creek in a heavy rain storm!

This picture shows the 4 inch pump we rent to help us do the dredging.  The pump allows us to remove most of the water so we can see what we are digging and not just scooping muddy water.

The water is starting to really drop down, exposing even more and more silt!

As we start to dig it is obvious there is a lot more silt than expected!  We start at the wall and move upstream to help keep the water pumped down at the wall.  On average we removed about 3 to 4 feet of silt along the entire creek bottom!
Here is a good look at the sand bar that had developed in the middle of he creek. 

Making progress!  

This is the method we use to remove all the silt.  Each trailer hold approximately 2 yards of material when full.  Over the 3 days we worked we hauled out 65 trailer loads of silt and debris!!!  All of that material would have been in the pond if we did not have this dam to slow the water down.

Here is a good look at the other side of the creek.  The pump helps to pull the water down so we can really see the silt we need to dig.

The completed project looks much better!  Now there is several feet of water all along the creek from the bridge to the dam.  No doubt the silt will return, and we will have plenty of capacity to catch it and remove again someday.

The water is clear after all the silt is removed!

 Here is a good look from the dam at the clean creek.  Some of the boulders placed along the creek bank have fallen in over time, so we will work to replace them this Spring.  When dealing with water features on the golf course there is always some maintenance to do.  We hope this removal of silt will help protect the pond and continue to improve the looks of the creek!

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