Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Clubhouse Project Officially Started!

Monday marked the first day in which the permits were in hand and the project is now in full swing.  Our staff was responsible for removing the landscaping materials around the construction sites, as well as dismantling the Men's Grill Patio.  Take a look at the pictures and you will see what I mean.

Our staff helped to remove all the brick pavers that made up the patio, so they could be used for the enlargement of the patio on the other side of the Clubhouse.  But more on that project later.  Now that the site is prepared the work of building the new Mountain View Lounge can begin!

This is another picture of where we had to remove more plants.  There will be a nice, new set of stairs that come down from the 2nd floor, and all the plants in this picture were in the way.  You will see in the next picture what it looks like now!

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