Thursday, January 12, 2017

Moving the Maple

Today our crew got to do something we don't do very often, relocate a Japanese Maple tree at the Clubhouse.  This tree was in danger of being removed because of the construction associated with the new Mountain View Lounge project.  One aspect of the Clubhouse project, building a new set of steps behind the Clubhouse down to the back patio, will be located right on top of where this tree was currently sitting.  A mature Japanese Maple tree of this size is valued at several thousand dollars, so we wanted to take a chance and re-plant it rather than just cutting it down and throwing it away!  Here is a picture below of us digging the tree out of the ground to remove it.

This is a picture of us lifting up the tree and loading it in the trailer.  We then hauled the tree around to the front of the Clubhouse to re-plant it new, safe area.  You can see in the photo below where we planted it.

The spot we chose to plant the Japanese Maple is between the front door of the Clubhouse and the sidewalk to the Tennis Center.  We feel this will be a nice place for the tree to be seen in the future for many years to come!

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