Thursday, February 2, 2017

Winter Projects in full gear!

If you have played golf in the last few weeks you have probably noticed some changes taking place.  The main projects we have been working on this winter have involved removing trees.  I know it must seem like that is my favorite thing to do is cut down trees, but really that is not true.  All the trees we are removing will be replaced with grass, and these areas we are working on such as #14 and between holes #1/#18 are highly playable areas.  Many golf balls get hit every day into these tree filled areas, and once the trees are removed and grass is installed in place, it will be a much more open and enjoyable place to hit a golf shot.  

In the pictures you can see our crew working to load up some of the larger logs left over.  So far we have removed 9 trees from the middle of 1 and 18, and will probably remove a few more.  You can see all the sunlight starting to hit the pinestraw in the second picture.  All the pinestraw you see here will be green grass this summer after our project is completed!

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