Saturday, February 8, 2020

Summer Weed Control

Over the past 3 weeks our staff has worked hard on applying the summer preemergent herbicide to all the turf on the property at MCC.  Every blade of grass, except the putting greens, has been sprayed with a weed control mixture which will kill any weed that is green and visible now, as well as prevent any weed from growing over the next 6 months!  Once the product is sprayed on the grass we let it dry, and then water it in that night so the chemical gets into the soil.  The soil is where all the weeds will try to grow, and the preemergent acts as a blanket that will not allow any weeds to grow.  Weeds will typically start to grow any time after the middle of March, so it is very important to be ahead of the game and protected before they start to grow!  

In this photo you can see our spray technician, Brad, applying the product to hole #16.  The green tinted spray is actually a non-toxic dye we add to the spray solution so Brad can see exactly where he has treated.  If you look closely you can see the difference in color of the rough where he has sprayed.

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