Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Greens Aerification This Week!

The Spring Greens Aerification, scheduled for Monday, February 24th, is still being carried out this week.  Rain all day on Monday postponed the start of the process, but we will carry on and do 9 holes a day to finish all the greens by the weekend.  The Overlook 9 holes were completed on Tuesday, Wednesday we will work on the Lake View 9 holes, and on Thursday we will finish the Mountain View 9 holes.  If you are playing this weekend please expect to see the greens punched with holes!

Here is a look at the aerification machine working on #6 Overlook.  The grey box behind the machine is called the core collector and is dragging the plugs to the edge of the green.  You can see the pile of plugs collected inside the walls.  This small task helps save countless man hours pushing plugs!

Here is a handful of plugs from the "core collector" box.

Here is a look at 9 Overlook Green after the entire process.  All that lacks is a new cup cut in the green and it will be ready for play! Only 3 to 4 weeks of recovery and nobody will know it ever happened!

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