Sunday, December 10, 2017

Grassing around the Bunkers

This week the bunker crew installed 2 trucks of TifTuf Bermuda sod around the bunkers to help complete the process!  The bunkers on holes #9, #8, and #7 Overlook have been re-shaped, had drainage installed, the Capillary Concrete Bunker liner has been installed, and now they have be re-sodded.  The only thing left to complete the process in to install the new bunker sand!  The sand is scheduled to arrive next week, but the historical snowfall we just received this last weekend might make conditions a little too wet to work over the next few days.  Lets hope for some sun over the next few days so the guys can get back to work!
Here was a picture of the bunker right after it was re-shaped

Here is a similar view of the new sod that was installed around the bunker.  The sand line will be about 4 inches above the grey colored bottom, which is the liner.

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