Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Bunker Drainage

Over the last week, the construction crew has been working on installing the drainage in the new bunkers.  Typically the drainage is made up of digging a small trench in the low areas of the bunker, and then filling the trench with a perforated pipe and gravel surrounding the pipe.  The pipes are all connected and attached to the "trunk line", or the main drain pipe that takes the water all the way to the lake.  Here is a look at a few photos of the drainage being installed:

The crew uses a skinny bucket on the excavator to dig the drainage trenches.

In the bottom of this picture you can see a pipe sticking straight up.  That is the "trunk line" or the main pipe that takes all the water out of the bunker.  All the other pipes they install will ultimately run into this pipe.

Here you can see the crew installing the pipe and the gravel in each of the trenches they dug.  The entire floor of the bunker gradually slopes towards where the men are working.  This will help all the water drain into the pipe and leave the bunker the quickest way possible.

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