Sunday, December 31, 2017

Overlook Bunkers almost finished!

The bunker sand has finally arrived!  The Overlook 9 holes is now only a few days away from completion.  The crew has already finished installing sand in the bunkers on holes #9 and #8. 

Here is a look at what the finished product will look like!  We will still need to tamp the sand firm, and make sure all the sand depth is 4 to 5 inches throughout.  The new bunker style looks really nice, and we think it will play much better as well!

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Tree Limbs Everywhere!

While the snow storm last weekend was beautiful, it left quite the mess behind!  It seems like almost every pine tree across the golf course lost at least one branch, and we have a lot a pine trees one some golf holes!  With the golf course still thawing from the snow, our crew has spent the last 2 days cutting up and chipping the downed branches.  Take a look at the pictures to see some of the mess!

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Winter Wonderland!

December 8th , 2017 will be a day people remember for a long time.  The Club recorded a snowfall of 8 inches!  So much snow we had to cancel the Santa Claus Open!  This snow storm came out of nowhere, and was much worse than many meteorologists could even predict!  While this snow will no doubt make a lot of work for us to clean up, it is very pretty!

Driving Range


A view between 1/18.  A lot of pine tree limbs have fallen across the course as you can see in this picture!


Buddy no doubt has enjoyed it!

Grassing around the Bunkers

This week the bunker crew installed 2 trucks of TifTuf Bermuda sod around the bunkers to help complete the process!  The bunkers on holes #9, #8, and #7 Overlook have been re-shaped, had drainage installed, the Capillary Concrete Bunker liner has been installed, and now they have be re-sodded.  The only thing left to complete the process in to install the new bunker sand!  The sand is scheduled to arrive next week, but the historical snowfall we just received this last weekend might make conditions a little too wet to work over the next few days.  Lets hope for some sun over the next few days so the guys can get back to work!
Here was a picture of the bunker right after it was re-shaped

Here is a similar view of the new sod that was installed around the bunker.  The sand line will be about 4 inches above the grey colored bottom, which is the liner.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Bunker Drainage

Over the last week, the construction crew has been working on installing the drainage in the new bunkers.  Typically the drainage is made up of digging a small trench in the low areas of the bunker, and then filling the trench with a perforated pipe and gravel surrounding the pipe.  The pipes are all connected and attached to the "trunk line", or the main drain pipe that takes the water all the way to the lake.  Here is a look at a few photos of the drainage being installed:

The crew uses a skinny bucket on the excavator to dig the drainage trenches.

In the bottom of this picture you can see a pipe sticking straight up.  That is the "trunk line" or the main pipe that takes all the water out of the bunker.  All the other pipes they install will ultimately run into this pipe.

Here you can see the crew installing the pipe and the gravel in each of the trenches they dug.  The entire floor of the bunker gradually slopes towards where the men are working.  This will help all the water drain into the pipe and leave the bunker the quickest way possible.

Friday, December 1, 2017

White Hawk at MCC!!!

Over the past few weeks I have had a few different members stop me and ask if I have seen the White Hawk?  My answer has been no, I have not seen anything that looks like that, ever.  That all changed today, as we were getting the golf course set up this morning, the White Hawk was sitting in a tree on hole #16. 

It is no doubt a very pretty, rare animal!  Next time you are at the Club, keep your eye out for our resident White Hawk, it is really beautiful!