Tuesday, September 27, 2016

New Parking Lot is finished and now OPEN!

I am glad to announce that the new parking lot has been completed, and is now open for daily use for all members and guests.  It was no doubt a long and dirty process, but the end result looks really nice, and provides up to 29 new parking spaces!  These additional spaces will really come in handy during holiday events or the dreaded summertime swim meets!  Take a look at some of the pictures below to see from start to finish the work that went in to building this new parking lot!

Here is what it looked like before any work began....

Here was the finished product once the trees were removed and the parking lot paved...

Here is the finished product after all the landscaping was done and complete.  The hollies were planted around the perimeter of the parking lot will grow together and form a nice hedge to hide the cars.  What a nice edition for the Club and will certainly help a lot on busy days!

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