Saturday, September 3, 2016

Greens Update

Man, how nice is the cooler weather and less humidity for a change!  That is not only what I am thinking right now, but what the greens are thinking too!  After receiving and inch of rain overnight on Thursday, it has been nice, less humid  and overcast the last 2 days.  This weather helps to signal the first feelings of Fall, but is also exactly what our greens need to help them recover.  Take a look at the pictures below of #8 Overlook Green:

This picture of #8 Overlook was taken last Sunday, it shows the typical damage we have seen from the aerification.

This picture was taken this morning in the same location as the previous picture.  While the badly damaged spots are still evident, the grass has filled in more and is greener than 6 days ago.  We will begin to plug and sod the worst areas this week to help speed up recovery.  We have seen a lot of good growth and the greens are healthy, it is just a long road to recovery. 

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