Friday, September 30, 2016

Test Bunkers

This week we started our process of installing "Test" bunkers around the golf course.  These test bunkers will be used to help us determine what the best available bunker sand is on the market.  We are removing all the sand and bunker liner from the bunkers on holes #4, #9, and #13.  Each bunker will have a new style of bunker liner installed next Wednesday, and then each will be filled with a different type of bunker sand.  We are hoping that these test bunkers will help us determine which products to use if the Board was to approve a wholesale bunker renovation.  I will post much more information on the progress next week as we add the liner and new sand types.
Please remember while we the bunkers are Ground Under Repair you get a free drop outside in the grass if you hit into the bunker!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

New Parking Lot is finished and now OPEN!

I am glad to announce that the new parking lot has been completed, and is now open for daily use for all members and guests.  It was no doubt a long and dirty process, but the end result looks really nice, and provides up to 29 new parking spaces!  These additional spaces will really come in handy during holiday events or the dreaded summertime swim meets!  Take a look at some of the pictures below to see from start to finish the work that went in to building this new parking lot!

Here is what it looked like before any work began....

Here was the finished product once the trees were removed and the parking lot paved...

Here is the finished product after all the landscaping was done and complete.  The hollies were planted around the perimeter of the parking lot will grow together and form a nice hedge to hide the cars.  What a nice edition for the Club and will certainly help a lot on busy days!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Water Main Leak at Clubhouse

Over the past few weeks we noticed a water leak coming from the Clubhouse.  This leak was very hard to detect, and it took us a lot of investigating to find out what the root of the problem was.  On Sunday morning, we decided to dig in front of the Clubhouse where the main water line comes into the basement.  What we found was a very large leak, so we decided on Monday we had to get it fixed.  It turns out that the ground has settled slightly over time around the Clubhouse, and when it settled it cracked the pipe which is running through the basement cement wall.  The wall did not give, but when the ground moved with the pipe something had to give, and it was the pipe which was the weakest point.  So, after digging out a large hole to the left of the front door, were able to locate the pipe, remove the broken piece, and begin the repairs to get the water back on and working with no leaks.  We apologize the repair has taken so long and the Clubhouse had to be closed today.  It should be no problem to open back up first thing Wednesday morning ready to go.  Here is picture from outside the front door of the Clubhouse:

You can see here even Buddy is surprised by how deep the water line is located!  The black pipe at the bottom of the hole is the main water line, and it is about 7 feet below the surface of the ground!  We had to cut a new hole, remove the pipe and run an all new piece to repair the broken section.  What a mess!

Monday, September 12, 2016

2016 Fall Member/Member

Congratulations to Jim Mutimer and Jay Gratwick on winning the 2016 MCC Fall Member/Member tournament this weekend.  We had some great weather to play golf, and I hope everyone had a good time!

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Abnormally Hot Summer

I was watching news one evening this last week and the meteorologist showed a very interesting slide on television showing very clearly how much hotter this summer has been over previous years:

Our average number of 90 degree days has been 37 over the last 130 years, but this summer we have had 76, and probably a few more still to come including today!  The hot temperatures coupled with severe drought conditions have  made it a very difficult summer on the golf course.  Luckily we have some much cooler temperatures coming out way in about a week if the meteorologists are telling the truth!

Monday, September 5, 2016

Fall Armyworms!!!!!!!!!!

This morning, while doing some scouting, we noticed we are starting to see an outbreak of Fall Armyworms!  These insects can do some major damage to Bermuda grass, and quickly!  Armyworms get their name because they eat the grass in large numbers, a lot of times "marching" across the grass in a straight line.  When the outbreak is really severe, you can actually see the grass moving there are so many worms crawling around.  To do some tests to see if we have any worm outbreaks, we do a "soapy flush"  We take a bucket of water, and add dish soap.  This soapy water gives a burning sensation to all bugs, and every bug in the turf canopy will come up to the top for fresh air!  Here is a photo of one of our assistants doing a soapy flush:
This soapy flush is something you can do in your own yard to test for Armyworms.  A lot of times Armyworm damage looks like a brown spot that would appear dry.  After closer inspection, these spots are brown because the Armyworms have started eating all the leaves of the grass plant!
The good news is that once detected, Armyworms are very easy to control.  After we noticed an outbreak on hole #12 this morning, we mixed up the sprayer with insecticide and sprayed all the rough.  This will kill all the Armyworms currently feeding on the turf, and prevent any more from spreading to other areas of the golf course.  Be on the lookout in your own home lawns and do a soapy flush to test and see if you have an outbreak!  If you need help on how to control the outbreak we would be glad to answer any questions you may have!

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Different Environments, Different Results

Today, while checking the golf course over in the morning, I noticed something interesting.  Even though our staff aerified the greens on the same day, # 9 green is much further along and has recovered much quicker than #1 green.  These greens were punched 26 days ago, and Monday will be 4 weeks.  However, #9 is almost fully recovered, and #1 still has some filling in to do.  Take a look at the pictures side by side below to see what I mean.
 This is a picture of #1 green.  It definitely is not flattering, and very tough to look at, but it is slowly filling in.  The large pine trees surrounding this green look beautiful, but do rob the turf of valuable sunlight in both the morning and the evening.  These trees also reduce the wind and air movement across the green, which is why we have a fan installed behind the green to help move air and cool the grass canopy. 
After 26 days, #9 Green looks much better.  One reason is because it receives full sunlight every day, and the daily winds provide the much needed ventilation.  We treat these greens on the exact same program, and yet you see different results.  Hot weather has played a large factor effecting the putting greens recovery.  When stress levels are high for the turf, the difference of environmental conditions and small microclimates that our putting greens live in become much more noticeable.  Thank you very much for your patience and understanding at this time while the greens are slow to fill in.  We will begin plugging the slowest areas on Tuesday, and should continue to see steady grow as we have the last 2 weeks.   

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Greens Update

Man, how nice is the cooler weather and less humidity for a change!  That is not only what I am thinking right now, but what the greens are thinking too!  After receiving and inch of rain overnight on Thursday, it has been nice, less humid  and overcast the last 2 days.  This weather helps to signal the first feelings of Fall, but is also exactly what our greens need to help them recover.  Take a look at the pictures below of #8 Overlook Green:

This picture of #8 Overlook was taken last Sunday, it shows the typical damage we have seen from the aerification.

This picture was taken this morning in the same location as the previous picture.  While the badly damaged spots are still evident, the grass has filled in more and is greener than 6 days ago.  We will begin to plug and sod the worst areas this week to help speed up recovery.  We have seen a lot of good growth and the greens are healthy, it is just a long road to recovery.