Thursday, April 28, 2016

Working on the Haul Road!

If you have played golf lately, you have probably noticed the thin areas on the left side of #8 fairway.  This area is where the "haul road" was located during the dredging project 2 years ago.  We have had problems with this area last summer as well, and roped the area off and mowed it longer to help the grass survive.  After going into the winter very healthy, this turf has not come back as quickly as we expected this spring.  To try and encourage it to grow and fill in, we took out the aerifier to try and poke holes and relieve some compaction.  Take a look at the picture to see the machine in action.

It is hard to describe how hard this dirt is where the haul road used to be!  This plugging should relieve some compaction and encourage growth!  After we finished and cleaned up the area we added a heavy dose of fertilizer to kick the grass into gear and start growing!

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