Sunday, April 10, 2016

Azaleas Looking Great on #17!

This spring it has warmed up quickly, except for this Masters weekend, and the azaleas are in full bloom and beautiful!  One place that is very notable is the area in front of #17 tee box.  As most of you know, the first time we renovated this area in fall 2014, we had a cold snap soon after we planted 200 new azaleas.  After almost the entire crop of azaleas died from the harsh winter, we were forced to re-think our options to ensure this would not happen again.  By choosing a different variety of azaleas to plant last fall, we were able to survive the winter and finally see some blooms this spring!  The picture does not due it justice for all the colors on display.  In a few years we will have quite the display for each Masters week!

I want to note this azalea project was done with the help of a donation from the LGA!!  Thank You!!!

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