Sunday, September 13, 2015

Coyote Problems

Over the last week we have seen a large increase in coyote sightings, and more importantly have sustained some damage to the golf course.  On Friday we found a dead beaver on hole #13 fairway, and then Sunday morning we discovered a deer had been killed on hole #6 Overlook.  Two days later, we discovered a hole which had been dug into the green on #4 mountain view.  The first morning we discovered this damage was bad enough, and then the coyotes proceeded to dig the same hole up the next night after we repaired the turf!!!!  3 nights in a row they dug up the exact same hole, all the while increasing the size of the damaged area!!!!  Please see the pictures below to understand the damage:

While coyotes have lived around the course for a long time, it was not until recently that we have had problems with damage to the golf course.  We will try to find a safe and humane way to remove these pests so we do not incur any more damage to the golf course, and also prevent any harm to people or pets nearby.  Please let us know if you have any suggestions on how to scare off the coyotes!

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