Saturday, July 5, 2014

Tree on #1 set to be taken down

This coming week we will remove the lone Pine Tree on hole #1.  Over the last 6 months, the grounds committee has discussed removing the tree in order to improve the grass in front of the green. This large Pine Tree is 50 yards or so in front of the green, so short errant left shots commonly fall around this bad area. As you can see in the pictures below, there is a large area of dirt around the tree caused by too much shade and lack of water from the turf competing with the trees roots.  Over the years this problem area has been re-sodded continuously but the tree always wins the battle for life.  Much discussion was had by the committee on whether the removal of the tree makes the hole play "easier".  The determination was that while the tree may be a slight nuisance for a shot on the far left side of the hole, it does not come into play on a majority of the par 4, and grass would be a much nicer surface to hit from than the dirt.  The schedule is to remove the tree on Tuesday when the Club is closed, then prepare the area on Wednesday for the sod truck coming Thursday morning.  This project should have minimal disruption to play this week while finished by the weekend and in time for Member-Guest next week.         

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