Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Big Old Oak Tree on #12

       This Monday was a very busy day on the golf course for maintenance, but was different because we were forced to cut down one of the largest trees on the property.  The large Oak tree on the right side of the path near #12 green was removed because of safety concerns.  The tree has had many dead branches over the last few years, but recently the roots on the cart path side of the stump started raising up off the ground.  This is a telling sign that the tree is unstable and could fall down at any time.  With over 100 golfers each day driving right under this potential hazard, we decided to remove the tree before any harm was done.  The tree company did a great job of removing the entire tree in just one day, and now there is a very big open space that has been covered up for years by the large tree.  The plan moving forward is to remove a few more of the small sweet gum trees throughout the area and seed fescue grass in the next 6 weeks.  This will hopefully add a little green grass to a now barren area and also provide a good surface to hit a chip if your tee shot goes errant left!  Take a look at the pictures to see the chronological order of removing the tree......

The big Oak is right behind the Fan

It is hard to see in the pictures, but the two long roots protruding out have started to come off the ground about 3 inches!

Max was chasing a rodent into the hollow center of the large tree.  This picture gives a very good feel for the size of the massive trunk and stump of the over 100 year old tree.

Here it is after all the limbs are cut off and only the main trunk remaining

This is what remains of the large area where the tree once was.  You can see all the little trees that were growing under the Oak tree.  Our staff will work over the next few weeks to remove the smaller trees and seed fescue grass this Fall.

Max still not sure where those critters went hiding!  This stump is one of the biggest I have ever seen.  Also notice the hollow center where the tree was on the way to a slow death. 

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