Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Creek Project a success

The reinforcing of #13 creek bank with boulders was a huge success.  In order to address an issue of eroding creek banks, a decision was made to line the stream with boulders that would help to retain the dirt and support the banks.  The new forebay is functioning very well, and will actually need cleaned out rather often as silt accumulates.  Take a look at what the creek bank looked like before and after the boulders started to be installed...........

As you can see, the boulders make for a much cleaner look, and also stabilize the stream bank from further erosion.  It is hard to remember how bad the old stream bank looked until seeing them side by side.
The finished product is quite the addition to hole #13.  It creates a great view from the second shot, and also adds a little intimidation to warn the golfer that the water hazard is in play.

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