Saturday, June 21, 2014

#6 Master Plan Bunker Project

Over the last year, the grounds committee has been discussing how hole #6 could be improved.  A short par 3, hole #6 was very straight with not a lot of difficulty.  The decision was made to try and work with the master plan to improve this hole and make a more enjoyable golf experience.  At the start of green-up this year we started mowing the fairway with a bend to the left.  This is much like it was when the hole was originally designed and also brings the fairway bunkers into play a little bit more.  The master plan for the golf course states that the design was to eliminate the bunker to the left of the green and build a "fore" bunker in the front middle of the green.  A "fore" bunker is one that is far in front of the green, but deceptively looks like it is built into the front edge.  This will hopefully intimidate a golfer who is trying to go for the green in two.  As the hole plays now after the project, they farther left you follow the fairway up, the less trouble the green presents your 3rd shot.  It took us 8 days total to do this transformation, and with the help of course architect Bob Cupp, we were able to make it fit in just as the master plan called for.  Take a look a few pictures of how the process worked.......
  Here they are elimintaing the old bunker and preparing to dig out the new front bunker......

Here is Bob Cupp helping us to get the final grade perfect.  I can not Thank Bob enough for all his help over the last year with planning the project and every day knowledge of golf course construction.  The man is truly an artist!

The finished product.  Not bad for 8 days worth of work.  I hope this little project helps to add some enjoyment to your next round of golf!

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