Sunday, June 9, 2019

Removing Dead Trees

As the trees are now fully leafed out and green for the summer one thing has been easy to spot around the golf course and that is dead trees!  We have had a few large trees not green up or grow any leaves this year for some reason, so we cut them down to ensure they do not fall down unwanted and injure anyone.  This past Monday we took advantage of the golf course being closed to take down these dead trees.  I will show you in pictures some of the trees and what happened when we cut them down:

Large Red Oak on #1 was dead

Here is a look at the tree on #1 once we got it on the ground, there is not a leaf on the entire tree.  It was alive last year, but did not survive the wet winter.

Maple on hole #16 with leaves had just turned brown

Large Black Tupelo tree on #8 left side of fairway.  This was a beautiful tree in the fall, but unfortunately it is no longer with us.

This tree on #5 was a large hickory tree that died behind the green.  It looks like the bottom of the tree is still alive, but that is just a smaller tree growing directly behind it.
Here is a closer look at the bottom of the dead tree.  The large trunk is the dead tree, and the little one growing out of the bottom is still alive.  The tree company also had to be careful to not damage the storm shelter directly beneath the dead tree!

Here is what the tree looked like behind #5 green after we dropped it on the ground.  The top of the tree was so rotten that it just exploded into a million pieces once it fell.  It made it a little easier to clean up that way, but also shows the danger of how unstable those branches are when suspended in the air on a dead tree.  

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