Sunday, February 3, 2019

Concrete work this week

Cart path repairs are an ongoing process, and we surely have our fair share of cart paths to fix at MCC!  Each year we budget money in the capital budget to fix these cracked and bumpy concrete panels, and this week we started on a few areas.  There will be much more cart path work to come, but these areas needed done ASAP.

This section on #1 was really broken and a severe bump if you were to hit it unknowingly

Now it is smooth riding!

We added some concrete to both sides of the cart path at #17 tee.  A section of the old curb washed out badly, making it a tough step to get to the green and white tee boxes.
With some minor grading this curbing should be a huge help!  
Our crew added some nice fescue sod to the left side to prevent erosion and also improve the area!
This bridge connection was also part of the concrete finished last week!

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