Sunday, June 10, 2018

Bailing Hay!

After totaling over 5 inches of rain over the past 2 weeks, the bermuda grass is really growing!  This week our staff set out to "catch-up" on mowing all the grass around the entire golf course.  The wet conditions made it impossible to mow last week, so this week we had to mow everything twice!

This is after the first time we mowed on Monday morning!  A lot of grass clippings to clean up!

Here is our Grounds Chairman Mark Kenline trying to walk over a pile of grass clippings!  The rain caused the grass to grow so much we had to blow the waste into piles and remove!

 Even the fairways have been growing very rapidly, but this has helped heal some of the thin areas left by the tough winter.  After mowing two times last week we have caught up and the cut is beginning to look very nice! 

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