Sunday, March 18, 2018

Bunker Project Completely Finished!

          I am glad to announce the Bunker Renovation is completely finished!  It took a little over 16 weeks, battling 2 snow storms and over 10 inches of rain during the project.  All in all the finished product looks very nice, and once the grass starts to grow this summer it will fill in and look like it has been that way forever!  The construction company, Pristine Golf, did a great job staying on task while trying to keep the damage to a minimum. 

          While there was definitely damage incurred during the project, our staff will now start to repair and clean up disturbed areas.  We will start with the "in play" areas, then work our way out to the perimeter of the course.  Concrete repairs will also take place over the next few weeks to help repair and improve our broken cart path panels across the golf course.

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