Saturday, November 11, 2017

Going Dormant

Now that we have seen our first good frost, the Bermuda grass is starting to go brown and turn off color for the winter.  One interesting thing that happens during this time is the grass gets a "Tiger Stripe" effect, which is where some parts turn brown, while other parts remain green.  This is common, and happens because the soil temperature is still relatively warm compared to the air temperature of 32 degrees we received last Monday morning.  The first frost effects the higher cut grass, in our case the Rough, first.  If you look closely you can see the walk path is still fully green.  This is because it is typically mowed at 1/2 an inch, and the rough is mowed close to 2 inches.  The air can get into the canopy of the taller grass much easier than the shorter, tighter grass.  This helps give us a neat look this time of year, with the fairways staying greener and having more definition.  Unfortunately this green will not last long as we get cooler temperatures, so get out and enjoy a round of golf if you can!


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