Saturday, July 1, 2017

Fairway Verticutting

This week was a big week for our Grounds staff!  The large Verti-Cutter came to help remove thatch and old growth in the fairways.  This process is very beneficial to help the grass grow much tighter together as well as reduce the "grain" or directional growth it develops over time.  The equipment gets its name Verti-Cutter because it is doing what is called "Vertical Mowing", a system of small blades that are straight up and down and slice about 1 inch deep into the grass profile.  Take a look at the picture below for a better idea:

This is a good look at the Thatch and Organic Material removed by the Verti-cutter

This machine does a great job of removing the old thatch and material.  Another great benefit from the slicing and verticutting is all of the stolons and rhizomes, (which are above ground and in-ground roots of the turf) that are cut will grow a new leaf blade and make for a denser turf canopy.  Mowing afterwards is always a little easier because the grass thinner and easier to cut.  We do this process during the summer time of year because the grass is growing very rapidly and it will only take about 2 weeks to fully recover.  Here are a few more pictures of what it looks like during the process.  Trouble with the machine, combined with wet weather only allowed us to finish Overlook and Lake View fairways.

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