Sunday, April 23, 2017

Azaleas on #17 starting to bloom!

A few years ago our grounds staff, along with a generous donation from the LGA, took on the project of cleaning up the tiered area in front of #17 tee.  After removing the overgrown shrubs and vines that were originally planted there, we stained the walls and prepared the beds for the new azaleas.  Here is a look at the site before we planted anything.

Once we had the wall at this stage, we were ready to plant the azaleas.  We chose a mixture of different azaleas to plant and everything looked good.  Unfortunately, we had a very strong freeze in November that Fall and it killed 90 percent of our plants. We were not satisfied with the results, and decided to re-plant the entire azalea bed with a different variety of azaleas.  Fortunately, no more problems since we replanted and the plants are starting to really look good.  Take a look at the picture below to see how much they have matured this Spring!

It is a little hard to see how well they have grown, but you can see the colors of the Spring blooms!  We will keep grooming this area until each Spring is shows us beautiful foliage like this!

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