Monday, February 27, 2017

New Sign on Stilesboro Road

If you have pulled in to the Club in the last week, you have probably noticed some work going on out by Stilesboro road.  This is the start of a new Sign, which will be built to match the sign we currently have in place on the Clubhouse side of the street.  Our crew began by removing the old small square shaped sign.  Then we had to remove some bushes and small trees so that we could create a level area large enough to fit the sign.  Next, we had to use a transit to try and figure out how to start the base of the new sign at the same elevation as the existing sign we are trying to copy.  Once we had the grade established, it was time for the brick mason who is building the wall to come in and build his footer.  The footer is a concrete base that the brick was will be built upon.  It is very important this base is level and re-enforced so that the heavy wall will last for a long time.  At this time we are waiting on an inspector with Cobb county to come and out and approve the footer so that we can pour the concrete in the mold and get it completed.  After the footer is complete, the brick mason will begin to build the new wall.  Please take a look at the photos below which show us starting the entire new sign project!

Here is a photo of the old sign.  I am sure everyone is very familiar with the way it looks, but here it is moments before all the work began!

Goodbye ugly old sign!

Here is a view of the area after the sign was removed and all the trees and bushes were removed.  You can see the large dirt mound behind where the old sign was placed.  We had to move a lot of dirt around the find the proper level to match with the large sign we already have across the road.

Here are some of the brick mason workers digging out and preparing the footer.

There will be many more pictures to come of the progress!  Please stay tuned!

Signs of Spring time

This weekend it was really evident that Spring is right around the corner.  Not only have the temperatures been in the mid 70's, but the sunshine has been really common over the last few weeks.  February 2017 has also officially been declared the hottest February ever on record!  The warm temperatures have tricked the plants into waking up earlier than normal this year, with their flowers and buds beginning to show.  See some of the pictures below from the signs of
Spring around the Golf Course!

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Winter Projects in full gear!

If you have played golf in the last few weeks you have probably noticed some changes taking place.  The main projects we have been working on this winter have involved removing trees.  I know it must seem like that is my favorite thing to do is cut down trees, but really that is not true.  All the trees we are removing will be replaced with grass, and these areas we are working on such as #14 and between holes #1/#18 are highly playable areas.  Many golf balls get hit every day into these tree filled areas, and once the trees are removed and grass is installed in place, it will be a much more open and enjoyable place to hit a golf shot.  

In the pictures you can see our crew working to load up some of the larger logs left over.  So far we have removed 9 trees from the middle of 1 and 18, and will probably remove a few more.  You can see all the sunlight starting to hit the pinestraw in the second picture.  All the pinestraw you see here will be green grass this summer after our project is completed!