Saturday, November 26, 2016

60 Days without RAIN!!!!

Today marks day number 60 since the last rainfall, which was on September 27th.  It has been a record setting drought and has taken a toll on all sorts of trees, shrubs and grass across the entire state of Georgia.  Our staff has tried our best to water all the areas needed over the last 2 months to try to minimize any damage some of the plants may have incurred.  Overlook lake, as seen in the above picture, is almost 2.5 feet below full level, and our irrigation lake on holes #3/#13 is over 2 feet low as well.  The state of Georgia has just recently mandated a water ban which only allow watering of lawns 2 days per week.  One good thing to note, rain is in the forecast finally!  The local meteorologists say that Tuesday and Wednesday of next week we have a 90% chance of rain, but we all know they are hardly right even half the time!  If we do get rain on Tuesday, that will be 63 days without rain!  Any rain will help, and we will be happy no matter what!

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