Monday, October 17, 2016

Will it ever rain again?

If you have been outside at all lately, you have probably noticed that it has been extremely dry.  How dry you might ask?  Well let me give you a few facts to think about.

The last time it rained at the Club was on September 27th, which is 19 days ago.  The amount of rain we received on the 27th was a little over a quarter of an inch.

The previous rain before the 27th was on September 18th, and it was .77 inches.  So that makes for a total of 1 inch of rain since September 2nd!  Over 6 weeks of hot weather and only 1 inch of rain to show for it!  

This is very unusual, and is no doubt frustrating.  Take a look at the picture below.  The rough and surrounding landscape is brown and struggling to grow.

It is not hard to see how brown and dry all the grass on the golf course has become.  You can see how the green and some of the surrounding turf has stayed green, but everything else around it is completely brown.  Because of a lack of water and rain, we have cut back on our irrigation and only water greens and tees now.  Fairways will get watered once a week, but this little amount of water does not do much help.

Please help us dance for rain!  Maybe that will help to cure the drought!

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