Friday, July 22, 2016

Parking Lot is Paved!

This Wednesday we had the chance to pave the new parking lot and get closer to completing the project!  The crews showed up after a few weeks off and added 6 inches of crusher run, which is a form of gravel.  Next, they came in with a large road grader to smooth out the surface and prepare for the asphalt.  When pouring the asphalt, they had to roll it constantly to flatten and harden the surface to help it cure.  After about 4 hours they had completed the pour and the lot was left overnight to harden and cure.  Thursday and Friday our staff has been hard at work to repair all the piles of dirt around the edges of the lot and get it ready to seed.  The seed and straw mat we put down will help to hold the dirt and stabilize the steeper banks.  In the middle of September we will install landscape plants surrounding the new lot to help hide and beautify the new area.  Here are a few pictures of the paving in action!

This guys job was to roll the light colored gravel and pack it very firm, then he rolled all the hot black asphalt to pack it smooth!

Here was the first pass with the asphalt machine!

Here it the entrance to the parking lot after it was all paved.  Now we will work to finish all the dirt piled up around the curbing and get ready for the landscape planting this Fall!

Here is Colten working on smoothing out and packing all the dirt left over!  We are on the home stretch and will be done in the next week!  Once the we get the lines painted in the parking we will open it up for daily use!

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