Thursday, June 16, 2016

Verticutting Fairways

This week we had a company come it to help us out with our fairways.  This machine is called a Verti-Cutter, or a vertical mower.  The verti-cutter works by spinning multiple blades on a vertical axis to cut into the grass canopy.  These blades help to remove unwanted old grass tissue and also reduce "thatch".  Thatch, which is a common problem with Bermuda grass fairways, can accumulate and cause the turf to become "puffy" and "spongy" over time.  By removing the thatch each year it helps to encourage the grass to grow in laterally, creating a tighter, denser surface to play golf.  Take a look at the picture to see what the turf looks like after the verti-cutter comes through.

These lines are where the blades cut into the turf canopy to remove the thatch and cut the rhizomes and stolons of the bermudagrass.  Cutting these areas encourages the grass to grow more rapidly and actually increases the leaf area of the plant.  After recovery we will have a much better surface on our fairways than before!

                                        Buddy was even enjoying watching this machine work!

So far all of the original 18 holes on the golf course have been completed.  We will finish Overlook next week

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