Thursday, May 12, 2016

Fixing the creek #13

Since the last time we dredged the creek on #13, we had some issues with the boulders which line the edge of both sides.  Our staff removed too much dirt from the bottom of the creek, and this caused the boulders to slide down to the bottom of the creek, creating large voids where they had been.  Besides the point that this is very unsightly, it is also a problem because it was beginning to erode the bank.  We rented a large pump to divert the water around the dam, and then built a solid foundation for the boulders to rest.  This worked out well and the large boulders are now resting just as they once were.  Here is a picture below showing us placing one of the boulders back!

You can see on the upper left side of the picture where two other large boulders had rolled into the creek.  After setting this boulder, we moved down and repaired those two as well!

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