Saturday, May 28, 2016

Fans are back on for the summer!

This week with the temperatures climbing into the middle to upper 80's, we determined it was time to turn the large fans on which cool the greens.  These fans really help to cool the greens surface as well as produce a steady stream of air which circulates and reduces stagnant conditions.  We generally start the fans around Memorial Day weekend each year and run them continuously until Labor Day.  Please be prepared for a little added "white" noise while you are putting, and let us know if the fans start to make any obnoxious sounds!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Removing Trees on #10

This week we started a small project of removing the 7 large cypress trees which were located directly to the right of #10 green.  These trees were planted over 10 years ago and have grown much too large for being so close to the green.  The closest tree to the green is only 30 feet from the bunker, and 52 feet from the edge of the green.  These cypress trees also have many roots which are on top of the soil surface, and even have some "knots" which protrude up from the ground 4 to 6 inches high.  This is not a very good place to hit your ball if you push it right on your second or third shot!  
Our plan is to remove all the tree stumps and roots, and to install a large drainage basin and then sod the entire area.  This will help all the grass surrounding the right side of the green to become thicker and healthier and will be much more playable.  Please excuse our mess over the next week or so as we work to improve this area!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Member/Member Day 2

Congratulations to Mr. Alan Miller and Andy Poole on winning the 2016 Spring Member/Member.  What a great weekend for golf and an exciting finish in the shootout!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Member/Member Day 1

Getting everything prepared for the first day of the Spring Member/Member.  Buddy is making sure everything is going smoothly!  Greens rolling 11.5 on the stimp meter and the sun is shining so it should be a great day for golf!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Fixing the creek #13

Since the last time we dredged the creek on #13, we had some issues with the boulders which line the edge of both sides.  Our staff removed too much dirt from the bottom of the creek, and this caused the boulders to slide down to the bottom of the creek, creating large voids where they had been.  Besides the point that this is very unsightly, it is also a problem because it was beginning to erode the bank.  We rented a large pump to divert the water around the dam, and then built a solid foundation for the boulders to rest.  This worked out well and the large boulders are now resting just as they once were.  Here is a picture below showing us placing one of the boulders back!

You can see on the upper left side of the picture where two other large boulders had rolled into the creek.  After setting this boulder, we moved down and repaired those two as well!

Just Passing By

This morning we had someone on the putting green very early, but it was not a person.  It was a snapping turtle!  He was on the move towards #18 fairway, and moving at record pace!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Big Fertilizer Truck to the Rescue!

This spring we have greened up quickly, but there are some thin spots out there that still need to fill in.  Well have no fear, as the big fertilizer truck was here today to fertilize the entire golf course!  This large truck can fertilize the entire 27 holes in just under 5 hours!  This saves our staff countless man-hours trying to apply the fertilizer and helps us to finish it all in one afternoon.  Take a look at the pictures to see the truck in action.  This fertilizer has a 34-0-8 analysis, and will feed the turf all summer long.  If we can get some more rain this evening as predicted we will be really growing some grass in the next few weeks!