Wednesday, November 4, 2015

New Trees #6

Last week our staff was busy planting many things around the Club property, and one of those plantings happened to be some Maple trees on hole #6.  This has been an idea the Grounds committee has kicked around for the last year or so, and also falls in line with the Master Plan that was developed years ago for future improvements around the golf course.  These trees were strategically placed to add difficulty when a tee shot misses the fairway to the right.  Because the trees are different varieties of Maples, they will help to add some beautiful red and yellow color to the fall landscape.  Next year we will plan to mow the rough on the right side of the fairway much shorter, which will hopefully make it easier to find your ball and advance it.  The trees will play more and more of a problem as the years go by and they grow bigger and bigger!

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