Saturday, August 22, 2015

Sodding some bad areas

This week our crew installed a truck of sod in a few thin areas around the golf course.  The main reason to get the truck of sod was to finish the lake bank behind #2 green.  We had removed some large pine trees earlier this year, but had not found time to finish this area until now.  The rain worked in our favor and held off until we had all the sod installed and then watered it naturally.  The haul road used during the Dredging Project on the left side of #8 fairway was also sodded to fix some very bare spots throughout.  Additional sod was also installed in the rough around the fairway bunker on #1, both sides of the green on #6, behind #9 Overlook green, around #16 green, and in the fairway on #18.  All of these respective spots have looked bad this summer so we hope this will help us have a great fall golfing season once the areas grow in.  Please be careful when driving a cart around the new sod, as we will be watering it daily so the areas will be very wet and soft!  Thank You!


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