Thursday, May 15, 2014

Rock Wall on #3 is Finished!

The rock wall in front of #3 Green has been completed, which means all 27 holes are now open!  The construction of the wall was a very long process through planning and permitting, but once the permits became official we wasted no time in finishing the project.  The company we hired to build the wall did a great job, and reinforced the wall multiple ways to ensure long lasting strength.  From start to finish it took exactly 3 weeks to build from the ground up, back fill and sod.  Our staff was in charge of the finishing work of back filling the wall, installing drainage and sodding.  This took us 4 days alone to finish the process, but the work turned out great.  I would like to say THANK YOU to one of our members, Mr. John Davis.  Mr. Davis was kind enough to help send a Semi-Truck to Alabama to pick up the Zoysia grass sod used to finish the area between #3 green and the wall.  Due to a trucking shortage, without his help we could not have finished #3 or been able to play all 27 holes last weekend.  Please tell Mr. Davis Thank You next time you see him for his generous act!  Take a look at the pictures of the wall from start to finish.........

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