Friday, December 20, 2013

Day 1 = 7 Trucks

The first day of dredging was not record setting in terms of production, but it was a welcomed start.  A total of 7 truckloads of silt were hauled to the driving range in a little over 90 minutes.  This is in no way the output we are hoping for, but it gives us a good gauge on what we have to do to meet our goals.  The trucks currently used to haul the silt hold 7 cubic yards of silt.  Within the next week or so we will have 2 larger trucks brought in that can carry 30 cubic yards each.  Bring on the heavy equipment!

Here is the picture of what 7 truckloads or 49 cubic yards of silt look like on the Driving Range!
We only have 19,951 cubic yards to go!

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